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Working Day in Köping on Saturday November 8 2008November is a dreary month, but thanks to the newly insulated engine shed the KUJmf Society could arrange a working day despite the raw and chilly weather. The KUJmf Board thanks the ten participants for their marvellous efforts: the engine shed has not looked so clean since it was built!
Working Day in Köping on Saturday October 11 2008The first autumn working day was a busy day with much to do for the brave dozen participants. Time runs fast in the company of friends, and when the day was over unexpectedly fast much had been done but more remains to be done. Luckily there's another working day just four weeks from this. The KUJmf Board thanks the participants for a good day's work and pleasant company!
"To remember a railway"
The Köping–Uttersbergs Railway Preservation Society has managed to acquire a couple of hundred meters of genuine KUJ rails and also sleepers from Mr Astley Nyhlén in Uttersberg. The purchase was made already last autumn but the transport of the rails to Köping couldn't be done until now because of soft ground and other transport-related difficulties. Rails and sleepers are now safely kept in a municipal enclosed storage area for future use on our planned railway. More pictures from the loading in Uttersberg and also a lovely old picture of past inhabitants of Uttersberg can be found on the picture page. |
No less than 15 participants showed up this springtime working day despite the grey and wet weather, and they did a magnificent work in cleaning up the newly insulated engine shed. The work was meticulously planned beforehand to result in a suitable interior for arranging a new exhibition of objects that haven't been shown until now. When you start digging into the piles you find many exciting objects almost noone knew were there, e.g. station telegraph, u-shaped rails, foldable passenger seats, and more. It's quite challenging to recognize the unique or necessary when everything looks like scrap. Besides carrying heavy objects we also had time to continue the renovation of the passenger coach No 9 and working with the KUJmf archive. More pictures from the working day can be found on the picture page. |
At the mandatory coffee break the participants were as usual served buns and cakes from the excellent Köping bakery Bivur to everyone's satisfaction, but the KUJmf coffeemaker was declared ready for replacement due to low speed and funny taste caused by unspecified mineral deposits. A slight disagreement between urban and traditionalistic members ensued about the nature of a suitable replacement: an espresso machine with milk foamer versus a hot plate for boiling coffee in an old-fashioned kettle.
The energy of the participants and the good planning yielded brilliant results. It's never been this neat in the engine shed before and it's going to be a pleasure showing it to visitors. The KUJmf board would like to thank the participants for a very good day's work and also for a very pleasant time spent on our mutual interest. Thank you all very much for showing up and we hope to see all of you again soon!
Köping–Uttersbergs Railway Preservation Society held their annual meeting in the stately premises of the Car and Technology Historical Society on Glasgatan 19 in Köping (the former Köping Engineering Workshop) during the sunday of March 30. After a delicious sandwich with coffee the annual meeting was concluded in a brisk manner under the steady leadership of Kjell-Åke Leijon. The annual report of 2007 took some time to get through but it was a labour of love due to all positive activities and events of this year that pleased the participants greatly. |
From the minutes of the committee meeting on January 29 2008:
Application for means to insulating an engine shed, postponed item |
With this grant the engine shed insulation work is financed in its entirety and therefore could be started in late February. The insulation of the engine shed is estimated to be done in late March. Thereby our rolling stock won't be damaged by damp caused by fluctuations of temperature and it will also be more tolerable for us to work in the engine shed during the colder seasons. Besides, the interior walls will be used for a new exhibition in the engine shed.
On the homepage of the Foundation King Gustaf VI Adolf's fund for Swedish culture we can read the following: The Foundation King Gustaf VI Adolf's fund for Swedish culture, has decided to grant the following during the year 2007: |
Guess if we are happy..?! Now we only have to raise another 85000 Swedish kronor for this project and then we may take the Z4tu 316 home again!
Another year, another traditional Christmas Market in Sollentuna for the friends of vintage trains, and KUJmf did of course participate with a sales table. We were able to offer the visitors all our products, including our new postal cards with pictures from Riddarhyttan and Gisslarbo, and the KUJmf Society earned some good money on this!
More information (unfortunately only in Swedish) about the Christmas Market may be found at this site.
To complement the exhibition "Bolts, cars, drills and fires" the participating museum societies are arranging an evening in the Museum of Köping where they will present their activities and show the exhibition to the visitors. There will be music and the popular causerie about the history of the KUJ railway. It's free entry, the museum opens at 6 PM CET and the activities of the evening will start at 6.30 PM CET. The organizers are the Museum of Köping together with the KUJmf Society, Nyströmska Gårdens Vänner (Friends of the Nyströmska Buildings), Föreningen Köpings Brandmuseum (the Köping Fire Museum Society) and Bil- & Teknikhistoriska Sällskapet (the Car and Technology Historical Society).
This autumn's working day was held by the KUJmf Society on the saturday of October 13, between 9 AM and 3 PM CET. The war against the plaster putty in the second class compartment of KUJ BC 9 went on, and thanks to unexpected reinforcements the frontline moved significantly forward. We got rid of some scrap metal too, and some other scrap metal... sorry, other treasures... was moved under roof. It's beginning to look quite tidy around the engine shed! Some pictures from the working day can be found on the picture page. The KUJmf board would like to thank the participants for their contribution. Good job! |
The KUJmf Society has together with Nyströmska Gårdens Vänner (Friends of the Nyströmska Buildings), Föreningen Köpings Brandmuseum (the Köping Fire Museum Society) and Bil- & Teknikhistoriska Sällskapet (the Car and Technology Historical Society) organized a joint exhibition in the Museum of Köping. The exhibition is called "Bultar, bilar, borrar och bränder" (Bolts, cars, drills and fires) and will continue until November 18. |
More information (unfortunately in Swedish) may be found here. Take this opportunity to learn more about our friends in Köping! Photo: Bernt R Jansson
We who were on duty during this evening would like to thank our many visitors for a lovely time. We had a pleasant and fun evening, and we hope you had too. You are most welcome back to us as soon as you can and want to!
Several years of cautious negotiating resulted in a happy ending on tuesday July 17, when the KUJmf chairman Mr Anders Nordebring signed a deposition agreement concerning the diesel engine NKlJ 4, former SJ Z4tu 316. This diesel engine will be restored to the appearance it had during the traffic on the former KURJ railway. This means that the KUJmf Society can represent yet another time period of its odd narrow gauge. The engine will remain in Hagfors for now. Some more pictures from Hagfors can be found on the picture page. A group of KUJmf members travelled with their chairman to Hagfors in order to see the diesel engine, and the Hagfors Industry and Railway Museum, represented by Mr Lars Nilsson, fed and guided them through the nice exhibition of the impressive collections. The KUJmf Society truly envies Hagfors their big and well-equipped engine shed and repair shop! KUJmf wants to extend its sincere gratitude to Hagfors and Mr Lars Nilsson for a very pleasant visit with an even more pleasant result. On the way home the KUJmf members also had time to indulge in some railway archaeology along the former Sävsnäs Railway (Sävsnäs Järnväg, SVJ). Tyfors, Fredriksberg, Gravendal and Lövsjöväxeln was studied on site; a lovely day for all participants! |
Due to popular request, the much acclaimed bus excursion of last year along the Hedström Valley was repeated this summer. A total of 48 passengers was happy enough to secure a seat on this journey, since the amount of interested people meant that there wasn't room for all who wanted to go.
The journey took the passengers Köping-Uttersberg-Riddarhyttan and back, a culture-historical journey guided in Swedish by Mr Bernt R Jansson and Mr Stig T Adolfsson, both from KUJmf.
The Swedish Central Board of National Antiquities, Riksantikvarieämbetet (RAÄ), has announced this year's grants given to working life museums, and to our great astonishment and still greater joy the KUJmf Society is one of the recipients! The KUJmf Society has several years in a row applied for grants to help us finance the insulation of the engine shed, so that our rolling stock won't be damaged by damp caused by fluctuations of temperature. This year our Railway Preservation Society was granted 100,000 SEK which, while not covering all the costs (total sum 180,000 SEK), will send us well on our way to the goal.
Local medias have noticed the grant for being the largest single grant to a working life museum in the county of Västmanland, and our eminent chairman Mr Anders Nordebring was interviewed May 16 by local radio (Sveriges Radio P4 Västmanland).
The KUJmf Board would like to express our gratitude for this grant, and congratulate our fellow recipients. The KUJmf Society also sympathizes with those who wasn't granted anything this year: we know how you feel, we've been there previous years, and we hope you will get what you need next year!
Köping–Uttersbergs Railway Preservation Society held a working day on Saturday April 28, from 9 AM to 3 PM. Among other jobs the renovation of the passenger coach KUJ BC 9 was restarted, with the restoration of the second class compartment being the first task on the list. Don't ask us about plaster putty!
Pictures from the Working Day can be seen on the picture page. The KUJmf board would like to thank the participants for another good day's work!
We welcome all our German-speaking friends to read more about us and our odd narrow gauge. Perhaps we'll see you this summer?
Annual meeting
Köping–Uttersbergs Railway Preservation Society held an annual meeting in the café Lokstallet 1093, adress Liensvägen 2 in Riddarhyttan, on Saturday March 31 mars at 2.30 PM CET. The meeting was preceded by some delicious sandwiches and coffee. Thereafter the chairman Anders Nordebring held an exposé over the activities of the past year, among those the much acclaimed bus excursion in July, the new movie, the new website, the successful recruitment campaign which has resulted in a more than 50% increase of KUJmf memberships. After this the annual meeting was held in good speed to the content of all participants. The chairman of the annual meeting, Mr Kjell-Åke Leijon, concluded by remarking that 2006 had been an eventful year and that the KUJmf Society hopefully would have another equally eventful year 2007.
In connection to the annual meeting a bus excursion was organized, with a visit to the North Cape Minerals' establishment in Allmänningbo, better known as the Forshammar mine. This establishment is a prominent producer of feldspar and was in its days a company of great significance to the KURJ Railway, since much feldspar were loaded onto KURJ waggons at the Forshammar railway station. During the visit the twenty or so participants could see both an old feldspar mill from 1927 with museal qualities and the modern works. There was also time to visit Oxbron and the former railway station of Krampen on the way to Forshammar. After the Forshammar visit the bus took the participants to Riddarhyttan and the annual meeting of KUJmf.
Some pictures from the annual meeting's excursion can now be seen on the picture page!
A member participating in the annual meeting has written some kind words about it and KUJmf in her homepage.
Since we noticed that our website has been visited by a fair number of people outside Sweden, we have now made it accessible for many of those as well by translating our homepage into English.
We bid our friends from abroad very welcome to learn more about us and that odd narrow gauge we love!
KUJmf participated in the Christmas Market with a sales table, where the visitors could among other articles buy our new movie. The table was manned by Arne and Irma Bryngelsson together with Karl-Åke Nordebring, and supported by Anders Nordebring and Johan Winegård. The KUJmf board would like to thank you for your hard work!
Nine visitors chose to join our Society, and we welcome them to experience the coming exciting years with KUJmf!
Our Society had the pleasure to receive Thom Olofsson from the Swedish National Railway Museum on Friday November 24. He came to inspect the passenger coach KUJ BC 9. Thom has great knowledge of vehicle renovation, and the purpose of his visit was to ascertain the antiquarian status of No 9 and give KUJmf some good advice before the continued renovation work.
A brave group of members gathered on a cloudy Saturday morning to do some work on and around the engine shed. Among else the shed doors were painted, the old bogie frame of KUJ Co1 13 which has been stored outside under a tarpaulin was finally reunited with its wheels and could be rolled inside the engine shed, the Kolsva trolley was lifted on track and also rolled inside, and more.
Pictures from the Working Day can be seen on the picture page. The KUJmf board would like to thank the participants for a good day's work!
Then you could get them published on the picture page. Contact us on info@kujmf.se
This movie is about the Köping-Uttersberg-Riddarhyttans Railway, KURJ, and some of the industries which used the railway for their transports. The movie is in all 43 minutes long and and is composed of older film material from between 1935-1970s. The movie is commented in Swedish. For more information and prices, see our movie page. |
Köping-Uttersbergs Järnvägs Railway Preservation Society, KUJmf, invited to a premier showing of our newly produced movie Udda smalspår och tung industri Saturday September 16 2 PM at the café Lokstallet 1093, Liensvägen 2, Riddarhyttan, Sweden.
The number of viewers surpassed all expectations since some hundred persons found their way to Riddarhyttan and the café Lokstallet 1093. The KUJmf Society would like to thank all who were there for a very pleasant afternoon! Link to pictures from the premier showing.
The most important goal of the KUJmf Society for the nearest future is that our steam engine KUJ 7 Patric Reuterswärd should roll by its own power once again. For this to happen, the firebox needs to be repaired by copper welding, and the KUJmf board is working hard to find anyone who can do this work in a manner acceptable to the Steam Boiler Inspector.
Photo: Lotta Yngve.
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