KUJmf Society
- the odd track in the little town
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The Movie

Front cover of the new movie about KURJ by KUJmf

The front cover shows the slope from Forshammar station towards Riddarhyttan. Photo Eve Östberg.

This movie is about Köping-Uttersberg-Riddarhyttans Railway, KURJ, and some of the industries that used the railway for their transports. KURJ was in many ways a very distinctive narrow gauge railway with the odd gauge of 1093 mm (3'7").

In the first part of the movie, The last train (7 min.), we follow the last passenger train from Riddarhyttan to Köping on the closing day August 31 1952. Next part, From the mine of Källfallet to Lienshyttan (21 min.), is recorded in 1952 and shows how iron ore is mined and turned into sinter in Källfallet, after which it is transported to Lienshyttan where the end product, pig-iron, is loaded on goods waggons and trucks. From the movie Men of the Iron of 1935 a couple of scenes (6 min.) are shown from the forge and the railway station in Karmansbo with KURJ trains. Around Uttersberg and Hed contains a couple of short cine-films (2 min.) from the 1960s, and the movie is concluded by winter-scenes (5½ min.) from the station of Riddarhyttan after the closing-down of traffic.

All parts have been given new commentaries and a version with Swedish subtitles is included. Except for Men of the Iron which has original sound, the rest of the original films are silent.


Prices: 200 SEK for DVD, 225 SEK for VHS.

Postage is not included in the prices above.

The movie is delivered upon receiving payment. Contact us for further information about postage costs and modes of payment.


Interested? Want to know more? E-mail us: info@kujmf.se


The movie has been produced with financial support from Sparbanksstiftelsen Nya, Riddarhyttans hembygds- och intresseförening, Hembygdsföreningen Karmansbo bruksmiljö and Kolsvaortens hembygdsförening.


Back cover of the new movie about KURJ by KUJmf

The back cover shows Källfallet. Photo Eve Östberg.




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